HessianCole specialise in VELUX windows, we are VELUX certified installers based in Bicester, Oxfordshire and we replace the glazing in VELUX windows throughout Oxfordshire and surrounding counties.

Misted glazing in your VELUX window not only looks unsightly but its costing you money too. The seal between the 2 layers of glass has failed, releasing the gas and allowing moisture to enter and cloud your view. The double glazed unit is now far less effective at insulating your living space, increasing your heating bills and often causing condensation issues on the window frames.
HessianCole have extensive experience replacing glazing to VELUX windows in and around Oxfordshire. Trained by VELUX and also members of the Certified Installer scheme we are here to help with VELUX glass/glazing replacement. Depending on the age of your VELUX window you have the option to either replace or upgrade the glazing.
Replace your VELUX glazing
For most windows less than 10 years old VELUX still produce replacement panes to the same dimensions as your existing window. The kit supplied with the replacement panes allows us to re install the glazing correctly and sufficiently water tight.
All replacement pane installations include a free service of the VELUX window including re greasing mechanisms and replacing filters.
If your existing VELUX window glazing needs replacement and your window is over 10 years old it may be possible to upgrade. VELUX supply conversion kits to allow installation of the latest glazing as supplied in the new generation windows. HessianCole are adept in the fitting of VELUX glazing conversion kits and replacement glazing throughout Oxfordshire and surrounding counties.
How to find your VELUX product code
In most VELUX windows from the late 1960s to present day the product code can be found on the top edge of the window sash. You will need to open the window to view the product code.
If you cannot open your window or find the data plate then provide us with the size of the window frame internally. Most pitched roof VELUX windows will have a code starting with GGL, GPL, GGU etc followed by one to four numbers/letters. The combination of these letters and numbers make up most of the details. This should be all the information we need to provide a quotation on replacement glazing.

VELUX glazing shattered?
If you have a VELUX window and the glazing seems to have shattered/broken by itself it may be covered under a product recall. Certain models manufactured between 1997 and 2003 are affected and VELUX Company will arrange free replacement if your window is covered.
Read more and check your pane here.
If your pane is not covered please contact us for a quote on replacement VELUX glazing/glass.